For general enquiries and further information about renting this seaside house in Noirmoutier, France, please contact:
We will try to answer within 24 hours - and often much more quickly.
BY AIR: Nearest Airport Nantes which is approximately 1 hour 15 minutes by car. Daily flights with Easyjet and Ryanair go from Gatwick and Stansted plus many regional airports.​
From the airport there is a regular shuttle bus into the centre of Nantes and also to the station to get the bus to Noirmoutier.
BY TRAIN: From London, it's possible to take the Eurostar to Paris or Lille and then a TGV to Nantes. Via Lille it's just a platform change but in Paris, it's cross town to the Gare de Monparnasse. https://www.thetrainline.com/fr/compagnies-ferroviaires/sncf
BY BUS: Buses to Noirmoutier town leave regularly from Nantes train station connecting with all the main line trains from Paris and Lille. They take approx 1 hour 45 minutes. CLICK HERE FOR TIMETABLE
BY CAR: From Nantes, follow signs to Noirmoutier. Access by bridge or causeway (Le Gois), depending on the tide. At actual town of Noirmoutier en l'Ile (50 miles approx from Nantes) follow signs to L'Herbaudière. At 3rd roundabout turn right to Le Vieil and follow road across potato fields. In the centre of Le Vieil village, turn right into the carpark. At the far end of the carpark take the Rue de Bonnotte, and then it's right into Rue du Pere Crepier. Father Pancake is on the left near the sea.